“Some people spend their entire lives waiting for the time to be right to make an improvement.” ~James Clear
A new month. I love a clean slate. Today, you’ve been given a brand new opportunity to get it right – a brand new opportunity to move toward the person you want to be! ✨
I want you to read the quote above again.
“Some people spend their entire lives waiting for the time to be right to make an improvement.”
Friend, you know by now – if you’re waiting for the right time, you’ll never start. Each season of life may look different, but it’s always busy. We simply replace one thing with another. There will never be a more perfect time than NOW.
I’d like to share a concept called “THE HABIT LOOP.”
The first two steps of the habit loop are the cue (trigger) and the craving. These two steps are the “problem phase” because you don’t have much control over them. You typically can’t help feeling triggered or having a craving.
The last two steps, however – the response and the reward – make up the “solution phase”. These are the two steps in which you have the power to change! 💯
So, for now, my message to you is this: don’t wait for the perfect time to show up. The perfect time is NOW.
✅ I encourage you to find ONE healthy habit to commit to each day. More water? More steps? Less alcohol? Prioritize sleep? You’ve got this. Repetition is key.
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